Monday, February 4, 2013

Zion and the Youth - Martin Buber

The youth are humanity's eternal possibility for happiness. The possibility occurs repeatedly and humanity misses it again and again. Generations of people in their twenties return to the stage again and again with the passion of absolute yearning in their hearts, devoted to ideals, ready and waiting to break through the blocked gates of Eden.

Nothing stands between this generation and the fulfillment of its obligation but the deed itself; and hence they prepare themselves. But in the hour of preparation the abundance of minute and marginal goals from the society around them take control of the youths' spirits. Vain urges of egotism and the urges for excellence and arrogance take control of them. Their environment preaces the perception that the "facts" are stronger than the ideals and that we are subjected to a sequence of events that we cannot in any way change, shape, or control.

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