Friday, February 1, 2013

Religious Symbols - Meir Yaari

                       An entire people cannot ensure its existence and continuity for any length of time without a religious symbol. Without it, it will cease as a people. No merely economic or social concept will suffice.
                   It is also clear to me that a religious symbol which can serve as the heritage of the entire community can be born only among us, the mass of workers, who are disgusted by luxury and willingly accept a life of material asceticism. We do not have the religious symbols today. And because we do not, no amulets. whis­perings, or momentary mystical exaltations will help. In our way, the way of labor, we shall continue for the meantime to carry on without it. It is our duty to start from the beginning and search for symbols without any illusions. Perhaps as we search we shall discover a source of living water, beneath the grey and gloomy reality. The work is not ours to finish. Generations will come and go, groping, until those redeeming religious symbols of which I speak are dis­covered.

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