Saturday, February 2, 2013

Our Community

Love--there is power here beyond comprehension. A redeeming power - the only power that can redeem the world and give bea­uty and clarity to life, that can create sublime harmony. Love - are we capable of it? Do we know how to love? Life will tell. We see how weak we are; we see how we surrender to daily routine.
I think that it isn't enough to dream optimistic dreams. We must also act to realize our dreams. We desire realization - the most direct, radical form of realization. But what do we see? We see the great difference between our dreams, our hopes, and the real world around us.

It's so simple and clear. Everyone should love his comrades with all their faults and weaknesses, because no one is absolutely pure or good. Man is sublime because he lives, exists, dreams and acts. Every man. Everyone should understand this, always and everywhere. We must remember: death is eternal. And from the moment of birth every moment is precious. We must take hold of our lives in order to make those moments precious. And how is that done if not through love? 

When I was in Jaffa and saw the world outside of kibbutz, the world of the urban workers, their psychology, their values, I realized I was a stranger there. I felt that I belonged to a
different world.

And then I imagined the world as one great ocean, deep and stormy. I saw people, everywhere, struggling to stay afloat in the storm. I saw many failing, drowning! And then I saw one large, rotting boat. And on its decks were rats - huge, fat rats - saving themselves while all around men died. What a terrible dream! Then, I saw there not far from me, a group of young people laughing, singing, loving one another and together seeking the material to build a new boat. How great is the difference bet­ween that nightmare and the island of new hopes! This dream taught me a lesson. I finally understood that we few youth can succeed in life only if we build a solid foundation first of all. A strong, firm, beautiful social foundation - something that will serve as an example to the whole world.

The cornerstone of the foundation will be love. Yes, I know there are problems with this. But this is my dream.

Of course I recognize the reality. I see the weakness in man. I know that primitive instincts often make a man forget things he shouldn't forget. I admit that I am a very weak person myself. I too surrender to my instincts. How I wish I could love all men. How often do I see someone and wish suddenly that I could go up to him and embrace him as a brother; but at the last moment I turn away. I flee from the embrace. Maybe it is because I see in the other the image of myself - all my weakness and ugliness and indifference and apathy. Everything I hate about myself I see in him. And so I flee; I run away_ I want to be with him and love him and work with him and suffer with him. But I want him to be strong and beautiful. And I can't forgive him (forgive myself) for being otherwise!

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