Monday, February 4, 2013

On Moratorium - Reuven Kahane

Moratorium is an arrangement that allows postponement of commitment, responsibility, decisions, and obligations, to allow "trial and error" in a wide range within institutionalized boundaries and outside of them. In a more active manner, we can describe moratorium as a situation in which trial and error are not just legitimate, but also encourages, and no punishment is given for "wrong" normative actions. It can be viewed as the realm between borderless indulgence and free reign, and behavior based on well defined borders. Paradoxically, expanding the range of experimentation and accepting straying from norms create the conditions for development of behavior which is both normative and inventive at the same time.

Moratorium allows experimentation with various roles (which might not fit into what society generally expects), and self-examination to eventually come to the truth, before accepting commitment.

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