Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Chalutz Movement - Berl Katznelson

The pioneering is not just an idea on paper, but actually a way of life and a personal vision. Our belief is that this vision is the true emissary of history and the watchdog of the nation. Our hope is that this vision will be the foundation of the future. Our understanding is that this vision will not come to pass unless its bearers feel a deep sense for the life of the people. Despite this need, the vision never ceases to be a personal vision in all of its intensity and its essence. In this lies the value, the content, and the magnitude of the chalutz movement. Because of this, each individual is so important in this movement, which does not understand in its origin or in its purpose any other way other than complete self control. And this perhaps is the difference between this movement and others in our time, it strives to create the national future based on the creation of each individual life. For this reason, there are not real leaders and followers, but people who live and work, and whose life and work need to create a collective consensus. Perhaps this movement is the only practical one in our time in which the leadership and the program are not the center, however the lives and the work of people. The member himself is the goal. His life, experience, failures, victories, weaknesses, and bravery are themselves the core of the movement.

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