Monday, February 4, 2013

On the Kibbutz - Yitzhak Tabenkin

The kibbutz preceded the State of Israel. The establishment of the collective came before there was any state authority. It was not coincidental that the establishment of the kibbutz movement led to solving the problems of paramount importance. The kibbutz created new perspectives towards social, economic, and personal attitudes. Man's horizon was widened. His whole world was influenced.

It all started from the moment the kibbutz ceased to be an incident in a person's life and became a way of life. This entailed a different attitude towards economic, national, and social problems which enabled each individual to fulfill his mission and enhanced each person's value in the... A hundred people in a commune are much more powerful than a hundred individuals elsewhere. The collective is a source of strength...

The kibbutz movement established our agriculture and industry. It founded a new system of equality including our youth movement.

...I am not going to claim that without kibbutz, there is no solution to the problems of the existence of the Jewish people. But no doubt, the kibbutz way of life promises a broader foundation and... tempo of establishing the National Jewish homeland.

Kibbutz is no longer a utopia. It is a valuable time in the life of our people, our country. Kibbutz is a historical fact of life...

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