Sunday, February 3, 2013

Adress to the Anglo-American Commitee of Enquiry - David Ben-Gurion

In history there is a country by name Judea or as we call it Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel. We have called it Israel since the days of Joshua the son of Nun. There was such a country in history, there was and it is still there. It is a little country, a very little country, but that little country made a very deep impression on world history and on our history because this country made us a people; our people made this country. No other people in the world made this country; this country made no other people in the world. Again they are beginning to make this country and again this country is beginning to make us. It is unique; it is a fact, and this country came into world history by many wars, Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and others, it gained a place in history and in world history for the same reason, because our people created here, perhaps a limited, but a very great civilization, and shaped our people, the Jewish people, to make it as it is from then until today; a very exclusive people on one side and a universal people on the other; very national and very international. Exclusive in its internal life and its attachment to its history, to its national and religious tradition; very universal in its religious, social and ethical ideas.

We were told there is one God in the entire world, that there is unity of the human race because every human being was created in the image of God, that there ought to be and will be brotherhood and social justice, peace between peoples. Those were our ideas; this was our culture and this made history in this country and it took its place in world history. We created here a book, many books; many were lost, many remained only in translations, but a considerable number, some twenty four remain in their original language, Hebrew, in the same language, Mr. Chairman, in which I am thinking now when I am talking to you in English and which the Jews in this country are speaking now. We went into exile, we took that book with us and in that book which was more to us than a book, it was us, we took with us our country in our hearts, in our soul, and there is such a thing as a soul, as well as a body, and these three, the land, the book and the people are one for us for ever. It is an indissoluble bond. There is no material power which can dissolve it except by destroying us physically.

Here are Jews who are away for centuries, some of them many centuries, some of them thousands of years, as the Jews in Yemen, where they have always carried Zion in their hearts, and they came back and came back with love. You will find in no other country in the world people loving their country as the Jews love this country.

I wonder whether all the American members of this Commission know this fact: In the first World War thousands of Jewish boys from America, from the United States of America, came over to fight for the liberation of this country in a Jewish Legion in the British Army, in the Royal Fusiliers. I happened to be at that time in America and I had the privilege of taking part in that, and I, too, was a volunteer in the British Army and served under Allenby here in the 39th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers.

By the way, I know what happened then in Palestine? I don’t know what happened in Egypt. There were Semitic soldiers in this country, many thousands. Some of them fought on the other side, and I don’t blame them. It was their right and perhaps their duty.

What brought over these thousands of American Jewish boys with the consent and blessing of the President of the United States of America, the late Woodrow Wilson? What brought them over if not the love of Zion? Perhaps it can hardly be explained, but it is there.

Another thing, and it was mentioned to you, Jews tried to settle on the land in many other countries. It was tried in Russia. Czar Alexander Nicolai I tried to settle Jews on the land. The Soviet Government tried to settle Jews on the land. It is a powerful Government. Jews tried settling in Argentina; Jews tried to settle in the United States of America. It failed. It succeeded here. There was no love for the land there; there was love of the land here. As much as I love this country I must tell you that Argentina is a much richer and more fertile country than here. American certainly is more fertile, and Russia, and they failed there. They succeeded here. It is because of love of Zion.

Why? What is it? A man can change many things, even his religion, even his wife, even his name. There is one thing which a man cannot change, his parents. There is no means of changing that. The parents of our people is this country. It is unique, but it is there.

More than 300 years ago a ship by the name of the Mayflower left Plymouth for the New World. It was a great event in American and English history. I wonder how many Englishmen or how many Americans know exactly the date when that ship left Plymouth, how many people were on the ship, and what was the kind of bread that people ate when they left Plymouth.

Well, more than 3,300 years ago the Jews left Egypt. It was more than 3,000 years ago and every Jew in the world knows exactly the date when we left. It was on the 15th of Nisan. The bread they ate was matzot. Up to date all the Jews throughout the world on the 15th of Nisan eat the same matzot, in America, in Russia, and tell the story of the exile from Egypt and tell what happened, all the sufferings that happened to the Jews since they went into exile. They finish by these two sentences: “This year we are slaves; next year we will be free. This year we are here; next year we will be in Zion, the land of Israel.” Jews are like that.

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