Wednesday, February 6, 2013

On Klaliyut in Ha'noar Ha'oved Ve Ha'lomed

In Sukkoth 1924, Ha'noar Ha'oved Ve Ha'lomed was established. First, as Ha'noar Ha'oved and then in a series of mergers it became Ha'noar Ha'oved Ve Ha'lomed as we know it today. At an asefa in Tel Aviv in 1924, 150 working teenagers passed a resolution declaring that each and every youth that wishes to can become a member of Ha'noar Ha'oved Ve Ha'lomed.

This is a unique component in Ha'noar Ha'oved Ve Ha'lomed's identity - klaliyut. From the beginning this component lent a unique quality to its act, as we can see in this article by Benjamin Kachlily:

"It was a general movement, a framework available for every working youth. The youth organized itself, from the bottom up, and created from scratch a movement that didn't stop growing.

As it grew bigger, the movement managed to unionize youth from three different sources: working youth, learning youth from the cities and moshavot, and youth from the working settlements - the kibbutzim and the moshavim. They overcame the differnces and the three strams consolidated into one."

That comes to say that from its beginning, Ha'noar Ha'oved Ve Ha'lomed was a general movement, addressing all sectors and parts of Israeli society and binds them together into one movement. This approach is the opposite to the elitist approach - more common in other youth movements at that time - an approach that demanded a filtering process that will create a strong chalutznik avant-garde.

From the perception of shivyon erech ha'adam that puts the human being in the center, we must see all children and youth as our chanichim and potential partners in the movement. The educational way of the movement demands the hard core to take responsibility over the outer layers, the means is a rational and logical use of the informal code of education, adapting the activities and the demand to the different populations and not being dogmatic. 

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