Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Hehalutz Movement - Berl Katznelson

Pioneering, halutziut, is not merely an idea and a theory; it is a way of life, essentially a personal act. We believe this to be the true harbinger of history. We hope it will be the foundation on which our future will be built. It is an act whose roots lie deep within the community, yet it remains essentially personal and individual. In this lies the true strength of the entire aliya movement, the main source of our hope for the future. And this is what makes every single individual so very important for the movement that knows no conquest other than the conquest of one's self, the individual struggling with his own world and gaining mastery over it.

This is the one characteristic which distinguishes our movement from all others - the striving to build the nation's future by rebuilding the individual's life. This is the reason our movement really know no leaders and no led - only people, living and working people, individuals whose life and work go to make up the national wealth. This is perhaps the only movement in our time that has at its core no leadership, no fixed platform, only the life and the work of its individual components. The individual is its central aim - his life, his experiences, his failures and his successes, his weaknesses and his strengths.

If the Hehalutz movement is to remain true to its essential character, it will retain the personal striving toward pioneering work as its central aim. To unveil the hidden forces that live within the individual, to bring them into the open by education and training, to focus them on deeds of purity, friendship and mutual trust - this is what the work of our movement is really about.

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